TYRVING (pronounced: ‘tier’-ving) v.
1. A rite of passage program
2. Seasonal journey of exploration and discovery

Open to boys ages 11-14 and their father, parent, or guardian, TYRVING is a rite of passage program that incorporates themes of well-being, skill-building activities, and community to explore and give meaning to the transition from childhood to adulthood.

At Home: TYRVING’s Guidebook curates meaningful time together as you navigate
Roots of Well-Being, and more, with engaging exercises & activities.

How TYRVING Works:

Events: Each month participate in one of the many optional skill-building events. A variety of choices makes creating memories fun and easy. No planning needed, just show up and enjoy!

Monthly Meet-Up: Once a month the TYRVING community gathers for a fun, entertaining evening. Games, guest speakers, and rite of passage elements, bring life to the TYRVING program.


  • TYRVING begins September 8th, 2024

    Monthly Meet-Ups are the second Sunday of every month
    (September - May) from 7:00-8:30PM.

    Meet-Ups are hosted at Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church
    (1980 Dahlia St, Denver, CO 80220)

  • TYRVING costs $240 per person for the entire 9-month program
    (each additional child is $200.)

    Cost includes:

    * Keepsake TYRVING Guidebook

    *Access to 2 skill-building activities per season (Fall, Winter, Spring)

    *TYRVING T-Shirt

    *Rite of Passage Memento

    *Once-a-month community Meet-Up

  • Bike Repair/Maintenance

    Birds of Barr Lake

    5K Run

    First Aid



    Cooking 101

    Disc golf


    Strength training



    Mountain Bike Ride

    Movie Night

    Outdoor Survival

    Polar plunge


    And more!

    *Events are subject to change.

  • While nothing is required, the monthly meeting is strongly encouraged. Events are posted monthly and are optional.

  • No. TYRVING is a collection of dads coming together in support of their sons and each other. The program is open to every individual, from all backgrounds and walks of life.

    Topics explored center around personal growth & well-being, are family-friendly, research-supported, and prepared in a way that allow you to easily incorporate your own set of values, beliefs and traditions.

“The magic of a rite of passage is that it can be a bridge from one stage of development to another, marked by an initiation into a new way of being.”
-Angeles Arrien, Author